Pilgrims on the Day of `Eid


Q: Is it permissible for pilgrims to delay throwing pebbles at Jamarat-ul-‘Aqabah (the closest stone pillar to Makkah) to the second or the third of the Days of Tashriq (11th, 12th and 13th of Dhul-Hijjah) without an excuse? What is the ruling on someone who does so?

A: It is not permissible for a pilgrim to delay throwing pebbles at Jamarat-ul-‘Aqabah to the second or the third of the Days of Tashriq without an excuse, because the Prophet (peace be upon him) threw the pebbles at it on the day of ‘Eid-ul-Adha (the Festival of Sacrifice) and the Sahabah (Companions of the Prophet) followed him in doing so. They did not delay it until the Days of Tashriq without an excuse. The Prophet (peace be upon him) said, “Learn your (Hajj) rituals from me.” Those who delay this until the Days of Tashriq without an excuse have contradicted the Sunnah and will be deprived of some of the reward for the rituals. They should ask Allah for forgiveness for what they did and exert themselves to perform the rituals in the prescribed manner in the future.May Allah grant us success. May peace and blessings be upon our Prophet Muhammad, his family, and Companions.
